Saturday, November 29, 2008


Population: 127.6 million (UN, 2003)
Population Density (inhabitant/km2): 341 (national average), 1,054.4 (Tokyo - highest), 41.6 (Tottori prefecture - lowest)
Largest Cities (pop. in million): Tokyo (12m), Yokohama (3,5m), Osaka (2,5m), Nagoya (2,2m), Sapporo (1,8m), Kobe (1,5m), Kyoto (1,5m), Fukuoka (1,3m), Kawasaki (1,2m) Hiroshima (1,1m) - Click here for 100 most populous cities listing
Home Ownership: 61,1% (national average), 79,3% (Toyama prefecture - highest), 43,7% (Tokyo - lowest)
Floor area of residence : 91,3 m2 (national average), 146,4 m2 (Toyama prefecture - highest), 63 m2 (Tokyo - lowest)
Residential dwelling material: 30% wooden, 33% wooden and fire-proofed, 36% non-wooden
Urban Population: 79%
Life Expectancy: 80,9 (average), 77,6 years (men), 84,4 years (women)
Birth Rate: 9.61 births/1,000 population (2003 est.)
Death Rate: 8.55 deaths/1,000 population (2003 est.)
Ethnic Composition: 99% Japanese, 0,4% Korean, 0,2% Chinese, 0,15% Brazilian, 0,07% Filipino, 0,2% others
Registered foreigners: 1.851.000 (2002), among which 1.371.000 Asians, 334.600 South Americans, 63.200 North Americans (incl. 48.000 US citizens), 55.300 Europeans (incl. 18.500 British, 6.300 French, 6000 Russians, 4.600 Germans, 1.800 Italians), 16.000 Oceanians (incl. 11.400 Australians) and 9.700 Africans.
Major Language: Japanese
Major Religions: Shintoism (official), Buddhism (various, mostly Mahayana branches)

Area: 377,835 sq km (including 3,091 km2 of territorial water)
Major Islands: Honshu (本州), Hokkaido (北海道), Kyushu (九州), Shikoku (四国)
Coastline: 29,751 km
Economic Exclusive Zone (EEZ): 4,470,000 km2 (=> see map)
Reclaimed land area in Tokyo Bay : 249 km2
Highest Peak: Mount Fuji (富士山): (3776m/12,385ft)
Lowest Elevation: Hachiro-gata -4 m

Economy (Data for 2002 if not specified)
Monetary unit: yen (¥,円, JPY)
Fiscal Year: 1 April - 31 March
GDP: US$3.978 trillion
GNI per capita: US$33,550
GDP per capita (in 2000): US$32,609 (average), US$64,722 (Tokyo - highest), US$24,956 (Nara - lowest)
GDP per capita (at PPP in 2000): US$28,700 (average), US$43,815 (Tokyo - highest), US$15,592 (Nara - lowest)
Prefectural GDP per capita: Click here
GDP - real growth rate: 0.2%
Inflation (consumer prices): -0.9%
Unemployment: 4,7% (March 2004)
Real unemployment (including non job-seekers) : 25,5% (2002) => more info
Public Debt (% of GDP) : 145.90
Main Industries: High-tech electronic products, motor vehicles, office machinery, chemicals, steel, textiles, processed foods
Main Exports: vehicles, computer parts, chemicals, scientific instruments, watches, motor vehicles, semiconductors, office machinery
Main Imports: machinery and equipment, fuels, foodstuffs, chemicals, textiles, raw materials
Main Trading Partners: China, USA, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia, Australia, Germany
See also Japan's ranking in the world, politically and economically

Type of Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Parliamentary System : bicameral Diet (lower House of Representatives and upper House of Councillors)
Administrative Division : 47 prefectures
Capital: Tokyo 東京 (since 1867; previously Kyoto 京都)
Head of State: Emperor Akihito (since 1989)
Prime Minister: Junichiro Koizumi (since 2001)
Foreign Minister: Taro Aso
Justice Minister: Seiken Sugiura
Finance Minister: Sadakazu Tanigaki

Time Zone: GMT/UTC +9
Electricity: 100V AC, 50Hz (East) or 60Hz (West)
Weights & measures: Metric
Internet domain: (companies only), .jp (no restriction)
International dialling code: +81

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